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Promotion Of Organic Farming

Last updated on 17-11-2015, 14:35




Objective  & Scale of assistance

 Organic cultivation of spices


Since the market for organic products is gradually registering an upward trend, there is large scope for promoting organic cultivation of spices in suitable locations. The Board is assisting growers for taking up organic cultivation of spices by providing a subsidy towards  12.5% cost of production subject to a  maximum of Rs.12500/- per ha. for identified spices.

Assistance for ICS groups

In the case of organic certification of grower groups, Internal Control System [ICS] is mandatory to educate and monitor the farmers on adoption of organic farming practices. It is proposed to provide 50 % cost of maintenance of ICS subject to a maximum of Rs. 75000/- as subsidy.  

Organic certification

The programme aims to help growers/processors of spices in acquiring organic certification which is a per-requisite for marketing as organic spices.  Under this programme, Board provides assistance to  group of farmers, NGOs and Farmers Co-operative Societies/Associations in acquiring certification for their farms/processing units by meeting 50% cost of the certification  subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.00 Lakh.  Individuals are eligible for 50% of the cost of certification subject to a maximum of Rs. 30,000/- .

Vermicompost units

There is need to produce organic inputs in the farm itself to maintain soil fertility in  organic production.  In order to enable the growers to establish the vermicompost units,   Rs. 3000/- is offered as subsidy towards 33.33% cost of setting up   a unit with one ton output of vermicompost.

Bio agent production unit:

The objective of the scheme is to make available quality bio control agents viz. Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, EPN, Beauveria, Verticillium etc. in the spices growing areas by assisting in setting up bio- agent production units. These units will also serve as training cum demonstration centres for those growers who are interested in starting bio-agent production units. NGOs / SHGs / Spices Producer Societies / Farmers Group etc having technical capacity and credible records are eligible to avail benefit under the scheme.  The Board will provide   50% of the   cost  equipments , accessories including  mother culture required for setting up the bio-agent production unit  subject to a maximum of Rs.1.50 lakhs as subsidy.

Organic seed bank

The objective is to establish organic seed banks in the growers’ field for multiplication of planting materials of indigenous varieties of ginger and turmeric having rich intrinsic value and herbal spices to retain purity and serve as a source for quality planting materials.  Individual growers of these varieties of spices who are under organic certification are eligible to avail benefits under the scheme. The Board will provide 50% of cost of planting materials subject to a maximum of Rs.25,000/- per ha for indigenous ginger and turmeric varieties and Rs.15000/- for herbal spices as subsidy.

Organic value addition units

The objective of the scheme is to set up  the primary processing / value addition units for organic spices  in the growing areas   to improve the quality of organic spices for export. Growers Societies / NGOs / Women groups/ SHGs/ ICS groups,  etc  which are having valid scope certificate for C1/C2/C3/Organic are   eligible to avail subsidy under the scheme. It is proposed to provide  50% of cost of the equipments / machineries for setting up of primary processing unit for organic spices  subject to a maximum of    Rs 5.00 lakhs as subsidy. No assistance will be given for construction of building.


Method of operation/ Modus operandi

          Interested growers will submit application in the prescribed format to the nearest office of Spices Board along with  the following documents

1.Organic cultivation

Copy of land document, Voter ID and bank pass book first page, copy of the contract executed with certification agency along with farmer’s applications

2.Organic certification

a).Documents  to be submitted along with  the Part-I  application

Copy of the contract executed with certification agency along with farmer’s applications,Quotation / Estimate received from Certification Body  towards cost of certification, In case of groups, registration details of the group, details of member farmers in the group ie  name, address, survey no., village, area under organic cultivation, area under spices etc.

b).Documents to be submitted with Part-II application.

Copy of the  Scope Certificate   ie C1, C2,C3 (in conversion)  or organic status  (as the case may be) along with annexures / attachments issued by the Certification Body.Invoice / Cash receipt from Certification Body towards payment of inspection and certification charges


3. Bioagent production

List of members of the NGOs / SHGs / Spices Producer Societies /   Farmers Groups indicating the village, total area and area under spices. Their profile containing the details of registration as NGO, area of operation, experience in implementing Agricultural programmes etc.  Documents to prove ownership of land and building viz. land tax receipt etc. [ If the land / building is in one of the  member growers’ name, the agreement to use the building  between the group and the member grower has to be produced.]  A detailed project report with cost estimates for setting up the Unit,    Competitive quotations for equipments/instruments to be purchased for the unit. Details of qualified staff to manage the production of bio-agents.  Plan of the building and lay out for installation of equipments. Copy of first page of the bank pass book of the NGO /SHG/Group / SPS, Project Report ,MoU to be executed with the Board after issue of permit order.

4. Vermicompost unit

Copy of Land documents such asland tax receipt / Percha /Chitta adangal etc.

Copy of ID proof preferably Voter ID

Copy of bank passbook first page

5. Organic seed bank

A letter from ICSto prove farmer as organic grower along with scope certificate

 The Spices Board official will inspect each application and  recommend eligible subsidy to the Zonal Assistant Director/ Deputy Director, Regional office for sanction. Sanctioned cases will be forwarded to Head office and the subsidy will be credited to the beneficiary account (core banking) through e-payment. Zonal  Assistant Director/ Regional Deputy Director will test check recommended  cases at random.

6.Organic Value addition unit

     Documents to be submitted along with application

a)Registration details

b) List of member growers in the group with area under organic spices

c) Copy of validscope certificate issued by a Certification Agency accredited under NPOPwith enclosures

d) Documents to prove ownership of land and building viz. land tax receipt etc. where the unit is proposed to be installed.  [If the unit is to be installed in the  land / building of the  one of the  member grower,  an  agreement to use the land / building 

 between the group and the member grower has to be produced.]

e) Copy of first page of the bank pass book of Growers Societies / NGOs / Women groups/ SHGs /ICS group,etc

f) Quotation from the approved manufacturer

g) MoU to be executed with the Board after issue of permit order.