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Statement of the categories of documents /information that are held by it or under its Control

Last updated on 18-11-2015, 11:53 HRS

Administration/Vigilance also hold the following documents/records:

  1. Service records of employees
  2. Property records
  3. Asset registers
  4. Documents relating to hired accommodations
  5. Records relating to disciplinary proceedings
  6. Annual Confidential Reports
  7. Property Returns

Documents/information held by Accounts Deptt.,

  1. Information on 5 year Plan allocations, Annual Plan allocations, approved Budget allocations etc. for various schemes, programmes and projects.
  2. Information on upto date expenditure for various schemes being implemented by different departments.
  3. Annual Budget proposals presented to the Board and the Govt. and approvals received on the same.
  4. Statement of assets and liabilities of the Board for the year under report and also for previous years
  5. Information on payments made to various beneficiaries under different schemes being implemented by the Board.
  6. Details on payments of bills received for purchase of goods and materials and services contracted and received
  7. Information on internal and extra budgetary resources generated by the Board under various heads
  8. Information on Plan and Non-Plan funds received during the year utilized upto date and balances held
  9. Reports on audits conducted by the Accountant General, Kerala and the audit observations there off.
  10. Final Accounts of the Board including Receipt and Payments Accounts, Income and Expenditure, Account and Balance Sheet from the inception of the Board
  11. Information on salary, allowances and advances paid to the employees of the Board from time to time
  12. Information on pension paid to retired employees and family pensions etc. 

Documents/information held by Development Deptt.

  1. Productivity improvement of small & large cardamom
  2. Post harvest improvement of spices
  3. Development of Exotic and High value spices
  4. Promoting organic farming /IPM in spices
  5. Export oriented development of spices N.E. States
  6. Extension Advisory Scheme,
  7. Pepper planting material production
  8. New schemes of Rainwater harvesting devices for cardamom/vanilla and for improved
  9. Cardamom curing devices. 

Documents/information held by Marketing Deptt

  1. Adoption of High Tech & Technology Upgradation
  2. Trade Promotion
  3. Participation in International Seminars, Meetings & Trade Fairs
  4. Publicity & Public relations
  5. Trade Information Service
  6. Marketing Services
  7. Promotion of Indian Brands of spices and spice products in specified markets
  8. Product Development and Research
  9. Export Oriented Processing of spices in NE/Special areas
  10. Equity fund
  11. Correspondences with DGCI&S, DGFT, IPC, ITC, Customs, etc. regarding Export/Import statistics of spices;
  12. State/District-wise Area and Production details of various spices, collected from various Agencies;
  13. Daily, Weekly and Monthly prices of major spices in the domestic and international markets;
  14. World Area and production of major spices;
  15. Compilation and filing of Returns from the exporters;
  16. Dissemination of information on trade and spices statistics
  17. Promotion of Flavourit brand of Indian spices.

Documents/information held by Research Deptt

  1. Research activities of small & large cardamom and vanilla
  2. Collaborative schemes of ICAR, DST & DBT, Bio-Tech production Unit
  3. Conservation of germ plasm selection and hybridization
  4. Development of protocols through tissue culture route for rapid multiplication of planting material
  5. Development of organic and eco- friendly farming with the use of bio-agents

Documents/information held by Quality Evaluation Laboratory

  1. The analysis of spices and spice products for aflatoxin, pesticide residues, metallic contents, microbiogocial contamination, pathogen detection and sudan.
  2. Collaboration with ASTA, IPC, NABL and CODEX
  3. Training of personnel from spice industry on quality aspects

Documents/information held by Planning & Coordination Deptt.


  1. Parliament Questions & Answers;
  2. VIP References;
  3. Budget proposals, Annual plans and Five-year plan proposals;
  4. The Reports of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce and Prabhu Committee Report.
  5. Geographical indications of Goods
  6. Right to Information Act, 2005 and implementation thereof
  7. Monthly Progress Reports and Annual Reports.