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Powers and duties of officers and employees

Last updated on 18-11-2015, 15:09 HRS

Powers and Duties of the Chairman

The Chairman shall be appointed by the Central Government (Sub rule 1. (clause (a) of Spices Board (Amendment) Rules 2018.

  1. The Chairman shall be the head of the Board.
  2. The Chairman shall have power to grant leave to Secretary of the Board.
  3. The Chairman shall preside over the meetings of the Board, accept resignations, if any, of the Board members and he shall also exercise such other powers as may be specified by the Government of India. Rule 14A of Spices Board (Amendment ) Rules 2018 (Notification GSR 157(E) dated 2-2-2018).

Powers and Duties of Secretary

  1. To grant leave to officers and employees of the Board.
  2. To prescribe duties of all officers and staff of the Board and exercise such supervision and disciplinary control as may be necessary.
  3. To sanction expenditure for contingencies, supplies and services and purchase of articles required for the working of the office of the Board.
  4. To require the Board or any Committee thereof to defer taking action, in pursuance of any decision taken by the Board or the Committee, as the case may be pending a reference to the Central Government on such decision.
  5. To take decision in respect of all matters that cannot wait disposal by the Board or a Committee, as the case may be. The action taken by the Secretary shall be put up to the Board for post facto approval at its next meeting.
  6. To perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the Central Government or the Board or Chairman in accordance with provisions of the Act.

Provided that where the Board modifies or reverses the decision taken by the Secretary, such modification or reversion shall be without prejudice to the validity of any action taken before such modification or reversion.

[Rule 14B of Spices Board (Amendment) Rules 2018 (Notification GSR 157(E) dated 2-2-2018)]

Powers and Duties of Director/Deputy Secretary Level Officer in charge of Administration

The following are the duties and responsibilities of the Director/Deputy Secretary Level Officer of the Board.

  1. As head of the Administration Department he is responsible for the overall activities connected with the administration of the Board.
  2. He should supervise the work of Administration (Purchase and Establishment) and Personal Administration sections.
  3. He shall keep a record of the names of members of the Board and their addresses.
  4. He has to take action to convene the meetings of the Board or committees as per directions from the Secretary for which notices shall be signed and sent to the Central Government and the members of the Board at least 14 days in advance of the date of such meeting.
  5. He shall attend all meetings of the Board and the committees, maintain a record of the proceedings of the Board or Committees thereof of all items of business transacted and copies of such record shall be forwarded to the Central Government.
  6. He shall take action to implement the decisions taken by the Board/ committees.
  7. Perform such other duties as may be assigned/ directed by the Secretary.

Powers and Duties of Director/Deputy Secretary Level Officer in charge of Administration

The Finance & Accounts Department of the Board has been functioning independently as a service department for the other departments in the Board viz., Marketing, Development, Research and Administration. The Finance Department has three Sections namely Accounts (Budget and Accounts), Accounts (Payments) and Accounts (Research & Development). Currently, the following functions are discharged by the Finance Department:

The duties and responsibilities of the Director (Finance) shall be as follows:

  1. Preparation of budget proposals and Annual Plan and getting them approved by the Chairman, Spices Board and the Government.
  2. Mobilizing funds from Government of India and other funding agencies for implementation of the schemes and programs.
  3. Ensuring prioritized allocation of such funds for the various schemes and programs approved by the Board.
  4. Monitoring the progress of expenditure under various schemes and programs and submission of periodical returns on such expenditure to the Secretary and the Government.
  5. To ensure compliance with GFRs, guidelines and OMs issued by the Government of India, FR & SR, Pension Rules and other Rules in regard to various claims and ensure correct and timely payment of all the staff related claims including pension and payments under various schemes and programs.
  6. Managing Board’s funds, Provident Fund and New Pension Fund, dealing with Bankers including investment planning.
  7. Examining all new schemes, programs and proposals prepared by various departments before it is sent to the Secretary /Board for approval.
  8. Examining all files from various Departments, which are submitted to Secretary for financial sanction and rendering necessary advice to various Departments on financial matters.
  9. Scrutiny of files relating to implementation of Pay Commission Report, fixation of pay including fixation on promotion, payment of retirement benefits etc. to the officers and staff of the Board or any other person engaged by the Board on part or full time for any purpose.
  10. Scrutiny of all proposals for purchase of furniture, accessories and equipment, provision of telephone for any officer / wing of the Board.
  11. Scrutiny of all proposals of deviation from approved procedures, standards and norms involving or likely to involve any additional expenditure or set precedence for such likely expenditure in future.
  12. Preparation and submission of periodical financial management information reports to the Secretary.
  13. Preparation of Annual Accounts of the Board comprising of Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet, getting approval by the Board, coordinating audit by CAG and ensuring timely placement of Separate Audit Report before Parliament.
  14. Follow up of internal and external Audit recommendations.
  15. Advise the Board on all matters related to taxation.
  16. Facilitating computerization of all offices of the Board in India including procurement of Hardware and Software.
  17. Ensuring maintenance of Cash Books and cash balances and related records in accordance with the Central Government Receipt and Payment Rules and other prescribed procedures.
  18. Scrutiny of notes on agenda for Board and its Committees on schemes and proposals which have a financial aspect, before it is submitted to Secretary for approval.
  19. Serve as a member in the various Committees constituted by Chairman, like Purchase Committee, Schemes and Projects approval Committee, DPC, Transfer Committee etc.
  20. As Project Manager of the UNDP Project implemented by the Board, he shall be responsible for implementation of the project components as approved by the Project Monitoring Committee in the Annual Work Plan.
  21. The Director (Finance) shall also perform such finance and non-finance functions which are entrusted to him by the Secretary from time to time including organizing meetings of visiting delegations, facilitation of VIPs during their visit and discharging all duties connected with the World Spice Congress etc.

Powers and Duties of Director (Development)

  1. Act as the Head of the Development Department.
  2. Responsible for implementation of plan based development schemes/ projects.
  3. Responsible for implementation of plan based development schemes/ projects under NHM
  4. Responsible for taking decisions on policy matters regarding implementation of developmental schemes and projects in consultation with and approval of Secretary.
  5. Reporting progress on implementation of plan schemes and projects to Secretary and Ministry.
  6. Sorting out issues on development of Cardamom (small & large) and post-harvest improvement of spices and taking up suitable measures for addressing the issues.
  7. Control of the staff working in the Development Department.
  8. Representing Board in various forums and meetings when authorized by Secretary or found relevant to maintain interest of the Board.
  9. Sanction of scheme payments and other bills up to the powers delegated to him.
  10. Attend the Board Meetings as Head of the Development Department of Spices Board when invited.
  11. Any other work assigned to him by the Secretary.

Powers and Duties of Director (Marketing)

He will exercise overall supervision of the work in the Marketing Department and will have administrative control over the officers under him. He shall exercise such powers and perform such duties under the directions of the Secretary /Board.

He shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Proper administration of the Marketing Department.
  2. He shall give proper advice to the Secretary regarding the formulation and implementation of various export promotion schemes.
  3. He shall make available necessary technical advice to spices exporters.
  4. He shall arrange exhibitions and fairs.
  5. He shall monitor and evaluate implementation of various schemes.
  6. He shall assign target to Zonal /Regional Offices and monitor their achievements.
  7. He may represent the Board in National /International conferences relating to spices as per the directions of the Secretary/Board.
  8. He shall regulate the domestic marketing of Cardamom through auction system.

Powers and Duties of Director (Research)

  1. He will be in overall charge of the research activities in various fields/ disciplines in ICRI and Regional Research Stations.
  2. He will act as Head of Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Spices Board, and its Regional Research Stations and Project units under its jurisdiction.
  3. He should examine and recommend scientific and technological research projects, schemes and programs and undertake periodical evaluation of the progress in implementation of projects, schemes and programs.
  4. He should examine and recommend development and extension project schemes and programs in relation to Cardamom industry and undertake periodic evaluation and review thereof.
  5. He shall advise the Secretary regarding the thrust areas of research to be carried out, its advantages and disadvantages etc.
  6. He shall define the thrust areas of research as per the mandate and assign leadership to scientists in the respective disciplines.
  7. He shall co-ordinate research/consultancy projects involving collaboration with other government/public organizations. This includes formation of team of scientists for different projects.
  8. He shall provide facilities for scientists to formulate externally funded research projects in their respective areas of specialization and getting the groups recognized as centers of excellence in the respective areas.
  9. He shall periodically review the testing charges of various tests conducted by the various divisions of research Department and make increase in rates with reference to the cost of raw materials and machinery used, manpower involved etc. The review should be conducted at least once in three years.
  10. He may participate in national and international seminars, symposia, visit the national/international institutions for updating technical knowledge and improving professional competence.
  11. Act as the technical head of Spices Board and co-ordinate with Development and Marketing department.
  12. Provide administrative leadership which includes strategic planning, overseeing the proper discharge of administration, managing the research plan effectively and efficiently ensuring that accepted standards of research and ethical behavior are met.
  13. Act as Member of R&D Committee of the Spices Board.
  14. Act as Member of Selection committee for Scientific & technical staff of the Board.
  15. Act as Chairman of the Annual Research Council meeting of the Institute.
  16. Act as Member of the review committee of other research institutions at national and international level.
  17. Identify prospective research areas of collaboration with national, international R&D institutions and work on the modality of execution and implementation of collaborative programs.
  18. Co-ordinate, HRD and Transfer of Technology [Tot] programs of the Institute.
  19. Monitoring of all institutional and collaborative R&D projects including physical and financial targets and achievements.
  20. Responsible for the publications of research, technical bulletins and act as member of editorial board of Spice India.
  21. Lead the Scientist group in workshops/symposia/seminars and also to represent the country at the national and international level.
  22. Setting up of endowments and granting Awards pertaining to spices production.
  23. Preparation of budget, fixing of targets and laying out short, medium and long term R&D objectives, annual action plan, planning and implementation etc.
  24. Promoting and facilitating leading edge research including collaborative and inter-disciplinary research in areas relating to the mandate of institution.
  25. Building and providing sufficient support to enhance research capability at the institution.
  26. Enhancing the reputation of the Research department by undertaking quality research and transferring the outcome to the benefit of the farming community.
  27. Encouraging and supporting the raising of funds for research through external funding programs.
  28. The above activities will be taken up in close co-ordination with the Dy. Directors/ Scientists in charge in the respective disciplines.
  29. To carry out any other duty assigned by the Secretary/Board.